Iowa Colony 4-H is a youth and family organization. The objectives of this organization
is to provide learning situations for the development of leadership, responsibility and effective citizenship opportunities
to all youth. To provide educational and challenging experiences that will enable young people to become knowledgeable
and skilled in their selected project areas. To provide information and tranining in other 4-H activities as members'
interests dictate and to help each member experience personal growth and achievement, as well as be of service to others!
In accordance with Iowa Colony 4-H Bylaws -- there is a
75%participation clause! This means if you have not attended the last
few 4-H meetings, you may not be able to participate in upcoming 4-H activities and events.
Please make sure to attend your 4-H Club Meetings
Mrs. Otto
Texas 4-H Commitment to Excellence
I will exhibit traits of a person with character including trustworthiness, respect, responsiblity, fairness, caring
and citizenship.
It is my attitude at the beginning of any project that will affect its successful outcome.
It is impossible to succeed without others, and it is my attitude toward other individuals that will determine their
specific attitudes toward me.
Nothing can be gained by thinking negatively; therefore, I will think positively. We become what we think.
I will not talk about negative ideas or gossip.
I must develop personal pride in what I am, what I do, what I say, how I act, and I must remember the destructive function
of false pride.
Nothing of consequence was ever accompolished without cooperation, optimism, perserverance and enthusiasm: it is
contagioius when it is real, urgent, honest, human and my own!
"To Make The Best Better"
I pledge,
My head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service and
My health to better living,
for my club, my community
my country and my world.
"Help me, Oh Lord, to live so that the world may be a little better, because Thou didst
make me."